Uzbekistan Airways announces recruitment of flight attendants with free training
Uzbekistan Airways Joint Stock Company announces the start of initial training on the basis of its Training Center for girls only who want to master the profession of an aircraft flight attendant. The cost of training is paid by Uzbekistan Airways.
Documents will be accepted and reviewed electronically.
Those wishing to participate in the recruitment for training should fill out a questionnaire, prepare scanned copies of the documents listed below and send it all with personal photo by e-mail:
No contacts of candidates with airline employees are provided. Documents are accepted only by e-mail. In case of a positive result of consideration of the submitted documents, the candidate will be invited by phone for an interview.
List of documents (scanned copies):
- Passport of a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Certificate from the place of work or study;
- Diploma of higher or secondary specialized education;
- Certificate of residence;
- Photo (4×6);
- Questionnaire.
Requirements for a candidate:
- The candidate must have citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan and completed higher, secondary special or secondary education;
- Age from 18 to 30 years old (those who are already 30 years old are not accepted);
- Height: not less than 165 cm and not more than 175 cm, clothing size 36-40 (European designation);
- Body mass index within the normal range according to Quetelet (18.5–24.9);
- Straight posture and slender build, no defects in gait;
- Fluency in the state and Russian languages;
- English language proficiency (Intermediate):
- The ability to swim;
- A neat hairstyle or haircut, no signs of premature baldness, no cut areas, hair should have a natural shade (long hair should be styled so that they do not touch the collar of the clothes).
- A face without visible defects and asymmetry, the skin should be clean, the expression and facial expressions should make a favorable impression, be conducive to communication and express those emotions that are necessary in this situation (understanding, friendliness, care, sympathy);
- Lips of natural shape and volume without obvious traces of the use of fillers;
- The teeth should be straight, clean, with the correct bite, the absence of crowns of yellow or white metal of the front teeth;
- Hands should be well-groomed (with manicure). The shape of the hand must be correct and proportional, the absence of fingers (phalanges) is unacceptable;
- The presence of scars, age spots and birthmarks, large moles, burn marks and tattoos, piercings in open areas of the body is unacceptable;
- Neat and taut appearance.
Candidates who are unable, for any reason, to master the training program, skip classes, allow violations of discipline, rudeness, having an untidy appearance, will have their employment contract terminated.
Training sessions will be held at Uzbekistan Training Center LLC, near the Tashkent International Airport.
You can download the questionnaire from the link.
Dress code for candidates on recruitment day
Long hair, neatly tucked into a shell/tail/bun. Style short hair neatly.
Daily natural makeup. Neat manicure. The use of varnish is allowed
Skirt / dress to the knees or slightly lower. Blouse/shirt. White top black bottom
Medium Heel Pumps
No visible tattoos (on arms, legs, face, neck)
Documents are accepted until April 22, 2023.
The planned date of selection is April 27, 28 of 2023 year, in Tashkent.