Messaging Solutions for disruption management - handling incidents, crew shift management and communication with SMS
LEKAB’s messaging solutions let airports and airlines quickly communicate with staff on duty and on standby and effectively handle incidents or disruptions that can occur.
LEKAB provides smart messaging solutions and services which enable companies to streamline, improve, and automate their daily processes with text or voice messages. Founded in 1994, LEKAB helps Enterprise customers, including major Northern European airlines and airports, increase efficiency, accessibility, and safety through smart messaging, all integrated into their business processes and software.
Our automated communications solutions can simplify and speed up your communications to notify crew, stakeholders and management teams with multiple templates, minimising the time it takes to construct and send a message and get a quick reply.
Our solutions use the dual approach of SMS/voice and APP notification, which ensures that messages always get through. Reliability is particularly crucial when dealing with disruptions such as emergencies or unexpected incidents and last minute crew management.
Our area of expertise lies in messaging solutions that help companies to connect, communicate and collaborate with employees and customers. Getting the right information to the right people at the right time. Learn more and get in touch https://www.lekab.com/en/
Company Profile
Job request - Crew Call-Out
For most airlines, crew costs are the most significant component of direct operating costs after fuel. Flight delays and cancellations due to crew operations mismanagement are expensive. Crew shift management is, therefore, a considerable factor in profitability. Efficient crew management when disruptions occur can be turned into a competitive advantage.
Filling last minute scheduling gaps with SMS
Successfully crewing every plane before departure is a challenge that airlines face daily. Airlines and ground handling companies must handle operational challenges quickly and precisely when disruptions occur, such as sick crew members or gate changes. Filling scheduling gaps is sometimes a manual, costly, and time-consuming process. Our Job request solution for automated last-minuted staffing targets schedulers, administrators and crew operations. It saves time and money and improves working conditions by making staffing processes orderly and efficient.Crew Call-Out is a cloud-based solution that sends automated staffing messages to manage day-to-day operational changes. The solution adapts seamlessly to the specific needs of airlines, airports, and ground handling crews to fill open trips or shifts due to last-minute call-offs and irregular operations.
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Incident Response
Communication tools to facilitate the management of disruptions to Airlines and Airports, as severe weather, security threats, accidents etc., are critical. The time between disruption and normalisation can be a massive loss in revenues or reputation, so the facilitation of organisation, standardisation and practical stepping stones through a structured and disciplined formal process is of immense value and importance.
Automated call-in of incident response teams and critical stakeholders
Send alerts by SMS or voice and call-in incident response teams simply with a communication solution tailor-made for a workforce on the go. LEKAB automates locating team members, checking their status, calling emergency resources, processing incoming information, and keeping stakeholders up-to-date.- Automating incident response communication frees up time often spent locating incident response teams, leaving more time to focus on resolving the situation. It also avoids human error and ensures full compliance with incident response processes.
- In case of an incident, personnel can use the communication tool to call-in specific competencies to form a response team. The response team can be static or dynamic, so staffing managers can call in a consistent response team or call in different people but always with the same combination of competencies.
- Incident managers can start automated, predefined workflows with just a few clicks in a web-based, mobile-responsive interface. The system then automatically uses app messaging and SMS/voice to reach people who can confirm or reject the work request.
- Operation Control Centers and Incident Team Managers can follow the process in real-time on a web-based dashboard. In addition, it can push status reports and a final report to mobile users. The process finishes when the team is full, or everyone on the contact list has been messaged.
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Employee Safety Check
Our Employee Safety check solution is an efficient and reliable incident management communication solution specifically created for a workforce on the go. With a large, spread-out, mobile workforce, quickly reaching out with information about disruptions is vital. While threats take different forms, it’s essential to be prepared. Whether it’s the weather, a natural disaster, an accident, or any other threat, LEKAB’s automated messaging solution gets information to your employees quickly and reliably.
- Employee Safety Check allows you to gather employees’ responses, map who is safe and find those who need help. The positioning function lets employees share their position so that you can find them quickly.
- Employee Safety Check offers speed, reliability, and oversight. LEKAB’s Employee Safety Check solution creates a safer workplace for airport and airline employees.
Hälsingegatan 49, The Park
113 31 Stockholm
- +46-8 635 26 00
- +358-9 7252 75 40