

The Fly-Right Seat Suspension Module is a cushion-less seat back system supplied as a self-contained, ready-to-install, seating product.

Our Fly-Right Seat Suspension Module reduces costs by eliminating the need for cushions and dress covers. It also eliminates the costs of spare cushions and covers and reduces the costs for labor and maintenance. In addition, Fly-Right generates immediate weight savings and greatly reduces manufacturing costs by combining the seat back into one SKU. The Fly-Right module is designed to be installed on a lightweight frame combined with an elastomer mesh to provide ergonomic geometry and ultimate comfort. The open mesh provides comfortable support as well as breathability and added space.

Pairing Fly-Right™ with Franklin’s Velocity™ advanced dress cover creates a totally unique combination of enhanced living space, exciting new styling possibilities and cost reduction.

A patent-pending method of attaching the diaphragm in the frame employs a flexible key and integrated bolsters to accommodate higher stretch tensions, maximizing support for a given tension.

The Fly-Right module has a completely customizable design. The mesh can vary by fill, color, and pattern. A Comfort Profile can be designed to suit your specific needs by altering the elastomer content of the mesh and changing the tension. Bolsters can be incorporated to add comfort as well as visual dimension. The rear shroud can also be customized, split and unlocked for access, while the mesh can easily be wiped down.

Fly-Right is proven durable – with the material having gone through over a million cycles – and still going.

Contact us for more information.