Aviation Day Africa

Event Information

The IATA Aviation Day is a high level conference convened under the theme Driving Economies through the Power of Aviation.

Event highlights 

Deliberations at the conference will cover, amongst others, the following topics:
  • The impact of aviation in economic development and regional integration
  • Integrating Aviation in economic national planning
  • Aviation and Tourism convergence for economic development
  • Public – Private partnership for African airport viability
  • Addressing funding requirements for the development of aviation in emerging economies
  • Aviation as catalyst for the development of the agro-industry
  • Forging partnership through Smarter Regulations
  • The Airline-Airport relationship (airport developments, finance and partnerships)
  • The next generation Airport (passenger experience, security, facilitation and e-Cargo)
  • The Skills Gap – Are we doing enough to be prepared for this challenge?

Who will attend

This high-caliber and exclusive conference is expecting around 250 distinguished aviation decision makers and influencers representing, amongst others, airlines, CAAs, government agencies, airports, air navigation service providers, financial sector, international and regional organizations, aviation suppliers, travel agencies and aircraft manufacturers.
Messrs. Hussein Dabbas and Raphael Kuuchi, IATA Regional Vice President Africa & Middle East and IATA Vice President for Africa respectively, together with other senior IATA executives and aviation industry experts will be present to network and share experiences with you.

