New Generation of Airline Passenger Systems

Event Information

Flightglobal and Travel Technology Research are delighted to announce the third New Generation of Airline Passenger Systems conference. This year will attract the top decision makers within the industry and will actively help airlines in their mission to get real value from investment in the best of breed solution. The conference will focus on managing the challenge of best of breed for value creation with a key focus on providing a measurement for openness. Airlines will discover how to achieve value in their decisions and will enable them to assemble and manage a best of breed PSS solution which is fit for purpose.

Key themes include:

  • How can airlines create more value from a best of breed solution?
  • Strategies for managing the cost of customer acquisition and distribution
  • Is NDC disruptive enough to create real value for airlines?

Why attend New Generation of Airline Passenger Systems?

  • Over 60 unique airlines and over 100 airline attendees made this conference one of the largest annual gatherings of IT professionals to date.
  • Nearly 1/3 of the total airline market attended this conference, representing 1.02 billion passengers boarded globally.
  • Over 5 hours of networking time ensured delegates made those integral business connections and helped strengthen existing business relationships.
  • Last year’s delegates were highly satisfied with the conference and would recommend it to a colleague. The event scored a net promoter score of 75% (To put that into context Apple iPads have an NPS of 65%).
  • Discover the latest products and technology offerings within the Passenger Service Systems market

Who should attend?

  • Commercial management
  • In-house legal representatives
  • IT leaders
  • Distribution management
  • Revenue Management
  • Marketing and Operations Control Centre Management
  • Airport Management


Quadrant House
The Quadrant
United Kingdom
  • +44 (0)20 8652 3315
