The third World Financial Symposium (WFS) will focus on Building High Performing Financial Organizations, adding a fifth strategic pillar to the Industry White Paper (pdf) aiming at achieving sustained airline financial health. WFS will bring more than 750 financial executives and specialists together to share insights, discuss industry challenges and best practices for aviation financial management.
WFS will bring more than 750 financial executives and specialists together to share insights, discuss industry challenges and best practices for aviation financial management.
Thursday 22 September
New Revenue Accounting standards for an NDC and One Order world:
This year brings the first airlines to follow their use of NDC standards for shopping with the taking of NDC orders and issuance of NDC tickets. What does this mean to revenue accounting? What standards are being developed to support the revenue accounting activity? How will BSP reporting function? And what does a revenue accounting system provider think will be needed as ‘ONE Orders’ become the sole source of data to manage accounting?
Building a more secure, relevant & customer centric distribution network:
Understand how NewGen ISS is driving a more secure, relevant and customer-centric Passenger Agency Program, specifically with regards to promoting safer cash in the BSP and lowering unrecovered default losses
Optimizing Payment Costs and Industry Fraud Prevention
Discuss how to lower your cost of payments. Review possible Alternative Forms Of Payments with impact and relevance to the industry such as mobile payment, wallets, cryptocurrencies.Learn more on key areas and actions identified to address efficiently fraud risks.
The Future of Financial Technologies:
An update you on the fast moving Financial Technology. What are the key trends which have emerged in the last year, where do we see the key opportunities and risks emerging in particular, a deep look into the following processes to identify future disruptors: Payments, Investments, Financing and Cyber Security
The Airline Financial Management Headache:
What is the strategic role of Treasurers beyond securing financing to run the business. High performing treasury teams are essential to maintain costs and can give opportunities in keeping competitive hedge, increase options for Aircraft Financing and managing the changing landscape of an Airline post M&A to ensure smooth financial transition and efficient integration.
Are you managing or just reporting your cost?
Increased cost control and back office efficiency are made possible through a series of industry initiatives. The switch to e-invoicing has the potential to add great value to the air transport industry, while in the same time enabling major cost savings for both airlines and suppliers. Learn more on how you can manage your cost.
What is the formula to address Complex and Ancillaries Taxes?
Learn more about 75 Complex Taxes, Charges and Fees project sanctioned by FinDev and the work completed on ancillary services in terms of revisions to the UN Model Tax Convention and the roles and responsibilities of a high performing tax department within the broader finance and accounting function.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – the Path to Success
ERM – what it really means: The essential guide to a modern Enterprise Risk Management strategy
ERM as a risk transfer tool: Managing risk retention and transfer to maximize performance and profitability.
Capital Idea! : Sourcing the capital to manage your risk.
Hungry? : Managing your risk appetite and buying “smart” to maximize value for your organization.